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the one in game isnt very good so i tried to make it better (i couldnt make it do a 75 degree v but it shouldnt effec...

Porsche GT4 RS - special exhaust - as authentic as possible except for the rpm limit which has been changed to 9k a...

Its my engine out of my truck but with a cam

My newest engine built to spec with a little bit more power and sounds like a diesel surprisingly but it sounds good ...

My newest engine built to spec and sounds like a diesel surprisingly but it sounds good but if you do open the file t...

Another addition to my coyote series since its a flex fuel truck I tuned it on E85 and gave it a ghost cam which is j...

A Honda NR750 engine. A fascinating bike with an 8 valves per cylinder V4 engine. I doubled the pistons and implement...

It is what it is. It's an insanely fuel efficient V12 that does over 42 MPGs at a constant 62 MPH. It also has 430 HP...

It is a 1.6-liter Dorito engine with 3 rotors. Idles at ~2700 rpm, redlines at 9000 rpm and the engine produces 680-2...

spek jahat pol kenceng mode pol polan kanan

Remember the Honda NR500 and NR750 with the oval pistons? Right, V4 engines with 8 valves per cylinder. This was the ...

3000 hp flat 8, stuggles to start, idles high.


High Rev Boxer awesome sound


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