2JZ Tune
by BickedGaming
Posted 11/1/2023
0 points

The engine created was from AngeTheGreat's youtube video, everything was kept stock except for displacement, cam timing, and some other things, but what makes the 2JZ a "2JZ" was kept stock.

Makes 673 horses through all rpms, has 505lb-ft of torque, and has a top speed of approximately 213mph(Quite fast for a supra if im gonna be honest especially stock the top speed was significantly worse especially the GTE variant of this engine).

NOTE If you choose to modify/tweak this engine, please be sure to include my name as well as AngeTheGreat when you upload your version of this engine

remember motors are electrically powered, engines are fuel powered

import "engine_sim.mr"
import "themes/default.mr"
import "engines/bickedgaming/2JZ-Tune.mr"



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