P51 XL 'Deltastorm'. A very fast WW2 speed bomber/fighter.
by Th3turb0lag
1 points

Inspired by the experimental F16XL, An experimental Delta wing Design F16 that could have been one of the best fighter jets to this day if it hadn't been shelved by the USAF.

This is the P51XL (Fictional). An experimental delta wing design WW2 prop bomber/fighter that was cancelled due to the end of WW2. It has the ability to carry 4 bombs, stored inside the wings. It does not have any cannons, to reduce weight, and because of the fact that it would simply get hit by it's own bullets, because of the insane speed.

It's very fast, with a speed of more than 3820 kmh (if you wait long enough), that translates to mach 3.5964211429. I tried to keep it "somewhat" realistic, the drag coefficient is slightly lower than the regular P51 because of the Delta wings.

It's very lightweight, and is made out of an ultrastrong material which is classified. It's a s lightweight as carbon fibre, but as strong as Tungsten. Engine: 19.6L V12, with even purer jet fuel, it's not very fuel efficient, but is very good. 3 "FLY/CVT Gears", one more, works exactly like my in previous P51.

Good luck, pilot.

import "engine_sim.mr"
import "themes/default.mr"
import "engines/th3turb0lag/P51XL_V-4000_Jet_Fuel_Deltawing_P51.mr"



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