Most Realistic Current Gen F1 1.6L V6 Hybrid Era Engine
by MintSandwich
Posted 3/19/2025
6 points

Another highly realistic-sounding F1 V6 engine, in my opinion—at least that's what I aim for. Although the specs on this engine diverge from real-life Formula One numbers (since they don’t just hand out real specs), I had to base much of it on the AMG engine Mercedes built using an actual F1 design. I tweaked the details to make it sound even more like a true F1 V6, and it produces roughly 603 hp at about 12,000 rpm (it can go higher, but teams typically keep it within the 10–12k rpm range for various reasons, keeping it realistic).

I believe that every team on the grid opts for a firing configuration where the full 720° cycle is divided by three for their six-cylinder engines. This approach—using a three-throw crankshaft with shared crankpins—results in alternating firing intervals (typically around 90° then 150°) that, especially under partial throttle, produce a droning sound very close to that of an authentic F1 engine. Other crank offsets and firing orders often end up sounding more like odd-firing V6s (think Nissan engines or V6 work trucks), which just isn’t as true to the real-world sound.

And also this engine is just running on pure engine power, no electric nothing, since i don't know how to do it, i just make the intake profile to have a little whine to mimic the electric noise that the real F1 engines have, though its barely audible .

That aside, I must credit Ange for the original base—the engine still uses the Ferrari 412  T2 engine he provided when you download the engine simulator; I just change a lot of things to get the desired effect.

Enjoy the sound! :D
import ""
import "themes/"
import "engines/mintsandwich/F1 1.6"



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