Merlani 5.5L Inline-7
by Avetho
0 points

This is an engine I made on paper years ago for a story I never got around to writing, but it has lore behind it. It makes nearly 400 horsepower and is basically a competitor to the giant big blocks of the early 1960s given the vehicle it was put into, the 1961 Merlani Comet, was a land-yacht type square-body styled luxury vehicle of the time. I kinda had fun making up the history, and the 6-speed transmission is all wrong because in my notes the car had a 4 speed slushbox automatic and later a 5-speed stick in 1963 when Merlani stuck a flatplane 6.3 liter V8 into it for the Comet SS model. Regardless, the engine is kinda heavy in throttle response and its idle floats up and down, it can bog down to like 400 rpm, well below its 850 or so idle speed, but still keep running. I think its cool at least.
import ""
import "themes/"
import "engines/avetho/"


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