Honda F1 V6 Engine - 15,000 RPM
by Indica
3 points

I haven't made a formula engine in a while and I've seen a few V6 F1 engines for Engine Simulator, but they all don't quite sound right. So I figured, why wouldn't F1 teams adopt the split rod journals previously used in F1 V8 Engines; firing 2 cylinders at the same time symmetrical to the neighbouring bank. I did that and now it sounds pretty accurate. It also has a little after fire too! But that probably comes down to my poor ignition timing higher up instead of the engines being insanely cool. Unfortunately no launch control or anything cool like that in this video because the latest releases of Engine Simulator are closed source and I cannot make my own builds. However, I am writing an external program to help with this.
import ""
import "themes/"
import "engines/indica/"


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