30.5L Radial 12 Aero Engine
by Avetho
0 points

This is a bigger, redone version of my original Radial 12, I basically upscaled it a lot, lowered its redline a lot, made it far less unrealistically high performance, and changed the chassis stuff so it simulates somewhat driving a propeller directly, 1 to 1 diff ratio and gear ratio, a 24 inch propeller radius is actually a bit too small but I compensated for that in other areas by raising the drag and all that, so now it basically peaks at 300 mph. I think the tyre radius representing the propeller blade length is not the right way to think about it, to me that feels more like blade angle since both directly affect top speed, be it lengthening the gear ratio in a car or making each turn of the propeller push more volume of air and thus granting more thrust and more demand on the engine. So it can't redline when the drive gear is engaged since its simulating static thrust, if it were moving the resistance would be lower and the engine would have to be throttled back to prevent overspeed.

import "engine_sim.mr"
import "themes/default.mr"
import "engines/avetho/r12_aero.mr"


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