Redline TRZ Airmaster, or at least JP's engine from the Yellowline race.
by Avetho
1 points

This was my first engine ever that I revisited recently, and built up to be better. Its the TRZ Airmaster from the anime movie masterpiece Redline, or not quite, its at least the engine JP was running during the disastrous Yellowline race earlier in the movie before Frisbee and Mogura got their hands on the TRZ Airmaster engine. I'll be tweaking this to run up to 16000 rpm now that 0.1.14a is far more stable and efficient than previous versions, I can afford to crank up the sim frequency so the engine survives those rpms, and those rpms were suggested by a viewer and it makes sense given that JP's Trans-Am was howling like a demented F1 car near the end of the Redline race at the climax of the movie.
import ""
import "themes/"
import "engines/avetho/"


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