A choppy(?) V24 engine
by tharii314
0 points

V24 engines is/was actually a thing. but this one would be a far cry from them. Based on AngeTheGreat's V69, it took a lot of editing to sound like basically a real engine. Well, the former version of it, i.e. the V69 was sounding like a locomotive, and then a tractor, this version sounds more like a vintage fighter aircraft(?). Anyhow, the video here is too old from my point of view cuz I was editing it like... every day.

Both this and its diesel version cost a lot of CPU time. I was able to drive this smoothly thanks to the "Performance Mode" of my laptop. Back then when I demoed this on YouTube, I had done a cheat of increasing the maximum burning efficiency, higher than 1. higher than 10 to be exact. But I've fiddled a lot with bore-stroke-volume parameters and whatnot to get that same kind of sound all the while keeping the maximum burning efficiency value lower than 1 as I think that makes this engine more "honest."

But still, there is another cheat, and that is disabling the "simulate_flex" option.

import "engine_sim.mr"
import "themes/default.mr"
import "engines/tharii314/MADMAN V24 (Somewhat Souped Up).mr"



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