(Maybe Not) Leyland 680
by tharii314
0 points

I was thinking of simulating a Lanka Ashok Leyland/ H series CRS CNG engine, but specifications of those engines other than 5660CC Displacement, some gross vehicle weight info and the number of cylinders here and there was almost all I was able to find. Somewhere else, details like bore and stroke and nominal RPM values for another engine called Leyland 680 was available. So, I got them all mixed up in here. Well, I don't know about engine timings, accurate and healthy gear ratios, and these "add flow sample" stuff. But, the engine has some huge flaws in transmission at top gears, and a loud pop when decelerating at the exhaust side. Also I had to lower the burning efficiency a lot since I felt that the engine was giving up driving the vehicle at full throttle and giving me too high revs too quickly. I don't know what is that effect called. But I guess it's disastrous.

If you can, please help me fix this.

Updates: Played with "add_flow_sample" values enough to make it sound pleasant, and to my surprise, bringing it close to its actual rated power output (145-150 hp) 10/12/23 Lately found out that this was designed for 5 gears...? Anyway, my gear ratio was bad af where the engine stops if I get the first gear. That first gear was likely a top-gear. So I tweaked it once again. (Not included in the video.)

This is based on GearheadLydia's Aston Martin AMLV12 AMO4 script. https://github.com/GearheadLydia/Engine-Sim-Engines/blob/main/GearheadLydia/AstonMartin_AMLV12_AM04.mr

import "engine_sim.mr"
import "themes/default.mr"
import "engines/tharii314/ASHOK.mr"


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