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Mitsubishi 4N15 2.4L

Toyota 2TR-FE VVT-i 2.7L

Toyota 2KD-FTV 2.5L

Toyota 1TR-FE VVT-i 2.0L

Instability at it's finest. Also im so bored I just randomly post random engines lol

V34 with a sprinkle of realism, ported it to LTSP6 math and doubled the displacement.

like the covet i made this lil sedan is based of a honda civic. with its own b16 "like" engine, it has a lil less pow...

this is the covet from, made from a honda b16, this is is the closes of what a covet would sound being t...

When making this engine, I was inspired by a 1963 Pontiac Catalina that was used by flight engineers at NASA to tow M...

The Lexus LFA is an impressive sports car with a 4.8-liter V10 engine that delivers 560 hp and 480 Nm of torque and a...

The VR8 that Audi never built.

Essentially 7 500cc single-cylinder engines inline and coupled together to make all 7 cylinders visible in the ES2D v...

A 90° V14 based on the GM LS7 V8 engine.

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