Browse parts

I made this engine to see how an odd number V engine would sounds and i also made a different type of headers on this...

I made this engine to see how an odd number V engine would sounds and i also made a different type of headers on this...

I made this engine to see how an odd number V engine would sounds and i also made a different type of headers on this...

I made this engine to see how an odd number V engine would sounds and i also made a different type of headers on this...

I made this engine to see how an odd number V engine would sounds and i also made a different type of headers on this...

I made this engine to see how an odd number V engine would sounds and i also made a different type of headers on this...

My version of the 3.0L VG30DE (1990 Nissan 300zx) Firing Order: 1-2-3-4-5-6 Engine Output: 284 lb. - ft | 302 hp @7...

I made this engine using The inline 7 i made from the previous video, and i also curious how v14 would actually sound...

I made this engine using The inline 7 i made from the previous video, and i also curious how v14 would actually sound...

I made this engine using The inline 7 i made from the previous video, and i also curious how v14 would actually sound...

I made this engine using The inline 7 i made from the previous video, and i also curious how v14 would actually sound...

I made this engine using The inline 7 i made from the previous video, and i also curious how v14 would actually sound...

Built to spec 800+ HP if im not wrong P.S : Set the simulation frequency to 15000 if your PC can handle it so it soun...

One of my favorite Pre-War British VTwins It has low idle

only 2 Doritos produce 1000HP

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