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Same engine as shown in my YT tutorial

Same engine as shown in my YT tutorial

Same engine as shown in my YT tutorial

Same engine as shown in my YT tutorial

I decided to upload my W.I.P Bugatti W16 which still has alot of things wrong but I just fixed the issue where cylind...

BMW S85 infused with F1 technology, currently (I think) highest HP per liter achieved in the sim for an NA engine. A...

The same as the last one I did but uneven firing as it should be OK.

Makes 507 HP @ ~8200 which obviously is incorrect but um yeah it is what it is its still "to spec" on the horses so y...

As close to spec Chevrolet LS7 as possible producing 505 HP @ ~6400 rpm and 652 Nm @ ~4700 rpm which is not totally p...

Kawasaki Ninja 650R engine producing 67 HP @ ~8400 rpm which is higher then the real deal and the idle is too high as...

W.I.P Toyota 1LR-GUE. Currently does 552 HP @ 8600 rpm which is wrong bcs the real deal does that HP number at 9000 ...

This is my as true to real life as possible Lamborghini 5.2 V10 making 632-634 HP @ 8000 rpm (varies between dyno run...

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