This is a 1:1 of the legendary and very overrated Toyota 4A-GE 16 valve
Yes this is a 79 cc v8 and it works this beast makes 40 horsepower at 8000 rpm and this sounds crazy for its size
THIS THING CAN NUKE ITS SELF ANY SECOND YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED this absolutely crazy engine can rev to 30000+ rpm if tu...
THIS THING CAN NUKE ITS SELF ANY SECOND YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED this absolutely crazy engine can rev to 30000+ rpm if t...
This is exactly what this is an ls1 but i chopped off 2 of the cylinders
This is a almost 1:1 ls1 v8 i just cant get the torque curve exact
This is a monster of a motor and the last "high horsepower" V8 befor emissions caused the hp to drop to 190
This is the best diesel engine ive made to date it has realisticish sound at idle and gets accurate fuel economy for ...
I was bored again so i made another cursed engine that somehow works
I was bored so i made this abomination i have no idea how this runs
this is a 42cc inline twin so its extra smol
This thing has an absolute massive cam in it and revs to a ridiculous 10000 rpm (updated 10/13/23 now has a cammed up...
This is the BEST sounding engine I've made and the most realistic engine I've made this SCREAMS to 19000+ rpm and sou...
Thanks to Zeke Affy for getting the sound almost spot on to the real thing i just retuned it to realistic specs for h...
This is not my original work (original code was written originally by Indica, Lioneltrains203 2023 and Oror 2022), ho...