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This is my second engine, it is a 900cc V-Twin motorbike engine.

This is my first engine, a 1.4L i3 motorbike engine.

Someone on YT politely asked me to upload this, so I did. import "" import "themes/" import...

Uses same specs as an actual OM606 (although it is a diesel engine). Though I have yet to figure out exact weight an...

W20 9.6 Liters Engine made from 2 x V10 LFA Engines. it was a pain to adjust the cams. If you can run it at 10000 Hz ...

W12 6.6 Liters Engine made from 2 x V6-Even Fire. it was a pain to adjust the cams. Depending on your PC, you might w...

[Updated on 02 May 2023] There is very limited information on this engine. It is a one-off engine and it powers 1935 ...

[Updated on 05 May 2023] This is an experimental Ford X8 engine (Sugar Mill experiment #28). I was able to found pict...

I got bored and messed around with atg and made a few engines when I was bored, so far this is my favorite. Possibly ...

The Maybach HL230 was a water-cooled 60° 23 litre V12 petrol engine designed by Maybach. It was used during World War...

A very cool 1cyl engine.

144ci as 2.4 Litter engine. I have another engine as same single-cylinder engine as 10L i1. But it doesn't work perfe...

This is an alcohol dragster with the exact parts as irl top alcohol dragsters. They re naturally aspirated running on...

A Leyland L60, a multifuel engine that was used in the Chieftain MBT. You need to let it run for a little to let it ...

[Updated on 05 May 2023] This engine is interesting because of its LLLLRRRR firing order 1-3-4-2-6-5-7-8. It has a cr...

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