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2000HP Monster --> Better intake, better clutch. Credit to @galakzee

this is a better tuned version of the other 6.2 liter stoker LS engine I made. this has a bigger camshaft at 900 thou...

This is a rebrand of galakzee's 6.2 Liter LS Stroker but tuned to have over 1700hp and roughly goes 330mph the burni...

this engine is once again tuned, but this time the fuel efficiency is still at 1.0. the engine has been bored and str...

i tuned the engine made by Lioneltrains203 and i hope you guys like the result

i tuned the four rotor that comes built in

750hp and 280 lb-ft of torque. I spent like 30 mins tuning it and i'm proud of the result

my first custom engine. it is kind of unstable sometimes. but its crazy.

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