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LS7 7.0L 428ci V8 | 512HP 6900RPM @zolaski_ on Discord for any question/suggestion | This engine can run on every com...

Inspired by @Maximumqc's script (transmission & exhaust) | Reworked the engine --> Stock ignition, big intake because...

Fictional 8 cylinder racing atmos engine, 950HP and 10500RPM ! | Stock ignition timing, no turbo (velocity_decay), cu...

Credit to @AngeTheGreat for base script || 2JZ modified for dragster --> Bigger intake, lowered ignition timing, rewo...

Reworked the sound, better curve, better intake & exhaust, reworked the ignition timing. Set to 1 velocity_decay for ...

Credit to @Chalcedony for the base script | Lowered fuel efficiency to 1, better ignition timing, restricted intake, ...

MT07 CP2 Akrapovic ~80HP

I6 that braaap like a rotary motor. Launch a dyno and enjoy the sound

1206HP @ 9427RPM / 784LB-FT @7293. Higher compression, better injection.

1542HP, better intake, higher compression, more rpm.

Ninja 400, but unrestricted. Bigger intake, higher compression. If you want to make this motor more powerfull (and un...

394HP @12994RPM 161LB-FT @ 12806RPM Extremely compressed and unrestricted, have fun My Discord for any suggesti...

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